USDOT Native Language Initiative

November 15, 2023
USDOT Assistant Secretary Arlando Teller shared an exciting announcement at the 10th National Native Languages Summit recently held in Albuquerque, NM. In coordination with NHTSA, the US DOT launched a Native Language Initiative of commonly used phrases encouraging highway safety throughout our Indigenous communities. "Click it or ticket" and "Buzzed Driving is Drunk Driving" are examples of slogans often seen on billboards and social media sites, and now tribes can work with USDOT/NHTSA to work together to address Highway Safety by translating these phases into indigenous languages.
Ways tribes can get involved:
- Print out in a poster format (maybe make multiple copies)
- Meet with community groups, such as head-start, veteran centers, senior programs, etc., and record how each slogan is said in your language. Spell out the spaces on the poster.
- Send to [email protected]
- Additionally, consider sending to your community newspaper, radio station and other outlets. Our message is: We need to work together to address Highway Safety.
Follow this link for more information on the Native Languages Summit.