Upon completion of a course, please notify us by email including your name, agency, contact information and course taken. We would also appreciate comments about the training!


ADOT Integrating Statewide and Tribal Transportation Planning Workshop Curriculum

Since 1997, ADOT has collaborated with tribes in Arizona to complete numerous multimodal planning studies through the ADOT Planning Assistance for Rural Areas Program. To supplement these studies, ADOT developed this interactive training workshop specifically to provide tribal personnel and lead decision-makers with easy-to-understand procedures to implement projects recommended in the planning studies. The workshop is a computer-based, interactive training program that guides users through the transportation improvement project phases of planning, funding, programming, development and maintenance.

The workshop curriculum is presented through a Tribal Transportation Planning Pathway in which users click on interactive elements to open training modules outlining key steps and processes for implementing transportation improvement projects. A comprehensive database of funding sources that the Tribe may pursue to support the construction and on-going maintenance of a transportation system is also included. The database includes information on project eligibility, application due dates, program contacts, and website links for more detail.


Tribal Transportation Planning Workshop Package

Reference Materials

Download reference materials for the Integrating Statewide and Tribal Transportation Planning Workshop. Once downloaded, unzip the file and save the folder to your computer. The folder will contain the following items:

  • Tribal Transportation Planning Pathway Package – This is a PDF file containing the interactive training pathway that walks users through the transportation improvement project process.
  • Tribal Funding Database – This is an MS Access file containing the database of potential transportation funding sources that is referenced in the interactive training pathway and can also be used as a standalone resource tool. When saved to your computer you can also modify the file to insert your own program updates or to add new program information.


ADOT Tribal Transportation Consultation Online Training Course

This online training course and accompanying handbook were developed by ADOT in collaboration with the Inter Tribal Council of Arizona, the ASU American Indian Policy Institute and the ASU Indian Legal Program to guide the department in conducting its tribal consultation efforts. It provides a wealth of historical, legal, and policy information explaining the purpose and background related to federal and state relationships with tribes and their members. It also presents specific approaches and tools that ADOT personnel, consultants and contractors can use to understand processes in carrying out effective consultation and coordination with tribal governments in Arizona.

Modules can be taken in any order of preference. Instructions on how to navigate the course are included at the beginning of each module. For the best training experience the expanded menu detailed view is recommended in order to use the slide player controls. In some instances the user may need to press the advance slide button to continue to the next slide. The Handbook is a PDF file that guides the user with detailed information. Quiz and assessment scores are not tracked by ADOT for this internet version of the online course, however, as noted above we would appreciate receiving notice of your completion of the course modules and any comments you would like to offer on the training.

Please Note: The Training Course Modules currently operate using Vimeo and will not operate with Flash Player.

Training Handbook