Studies / Plans
Additional Studies
Ak-Chin Indian Community Long Range Transportation Plan
This planning project is to update the Ak-Chin Indian Community’s Long Range Transportation Plan. The study area is within the Community boundaries and adjacent Community-owned land. The principal focus of the project is to address the most critical transportation planning needs identified by the Community. This will include, but is not limited to a needs analysis and evaluation for all priority roadway corridors within the project area. The major transportation goals of the Community include: (1) Promote an effective, well-planned transportation system of roadways that establishes functional
Arizona Strategic Highway Safety Plan
Federal regulations require all states to have a Strategic Highway Safety Plan (SHSP) that provides a comprehensive framework for reducing fatalities and serious injuries on public roadways. The state's Department of Transportation leads development of its SHSP in cooperation with local, state, federal and other safety stakeholders. Under the completed SHSP, all highway safety programs in the state can leverage resources and work together to address transportation safety issues.
Chinle Navajo Tribe Route 7 Street Lighting Pre-Scoping Report
This goal of this project was to assist the Navajo Department of Transportation and the Chinle Chapter to perform preliminary planning work for a street lighting installation project on Navajo Route 7 in Chinle, Arizona. As identified in a previous 2012 Chinle to Many Farms Multimodal Long Range Transportation Study there is inadequate street lighting along Navajo Route 7. This Pre-scoping project considered installation of solar street lighting within the BIA right-of-way. The final products included development of a realistic scope of work, schedule, and budget to assist in the programming
Colorado River Indian Tribes SR 95 and Resort Drive Pathway Improvement Pre-Scoping Report -
The purpose of this project was to perform preliminary planning work for construction of a 10 foot pathway along both SR 95 and Resort Drive that will provide connectivity for pedestrians between two areas of commerce while also reducing the direct pedestrian exposure to vehicular traffic. The project will enhance the ability of pedestrians to safely and comfortably walk from the Walmart and Airport Road area in Parker, Arizona to the Blue Water Casino facilities located on Resort Drive on the Colorado River Indian Tribes Reservation. The final products included development of a realistic
Ganado-Burnside Area Traffic Circulation Study
The principal focus of this study project is to address the most critical transportation planning needs identified by the Ganado Chapter and Apache County. This will include, but is not limited to, a comprehensive needs analysis of multimodal movements and traffic circulation as well as safety issues for the project area corridors.