Studies / Plans
Additional Studies
Havasupai Indian Tribe Long Range Transportation Plan
The major goals for this project are (1) to develop strategies for the funding, design, construction, operation and maintenance of Tribal transportation facilities for moving people, goods and services within the unique context of the Reservation; (2) to link the LRTP to Tribal land use, cultural preservation, social, environmental, and quality of life goals; and (3) to examine current Reservation and regional transportation operations and identify future transportation needs, while facilitating transportation investment decision making for the Tribe in consideration of very limited
Role in Arizona Tribes in Transportation Decision Making
The federal Tribal Transportation Program is presently the single major source of funding for transportation projects available to the 22 tribes in Arizona. Unfortunately, this funding source is unable to meet all tribal transportation needs and objectives. Tribes have expressed a desire to positively influence the quality of life in their communities by having the authority to make decisions regarding funds from multiple sources used for transportation improvements. This research study will evaluate current funding processes and sources, investigate barriers to greater participation in